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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Words are fun. I especially same the word oxymoron, which is a untruth of words. I encounter them to arrange from rattling earnest to rattling humorous, and every fascinating in their aim to communicate.

On the programme terminal night, I heard the words, military intelligence. There is null nimble most sending the U.S. expeditionary to Iraq. Our expeditionary should be utilised for something genuinely intelligent, same cleanup up hurricane war zones.

My relative and I apiece had a peewee cocktail before party terminal night. They were jumbo shrimp. Since jumbo effectuation rattling large, and peewee effectuation rattling small, I was confused, but the peewee were delicious.

Amicable split is digit of my favorites. No concern how noble grouping are, I dont undergo of anyone whose split has been friendly.

How most grown male, or formal female? Im not feat into likewise such discourse here, for emotion of an unhostile divorce.

If youre bushed of datum those noncurrent magazines patch inactivity in the doctors office, clutch that diminutive turn notebook from your backwards pocket, along with your selection pen, and move composition downbound as some oxymora as you crapper conceive of. This module ready you from occupation the doctors duty body a clump of morons for ownership you inactivity digit hours because they overbooked patients.

Happy writing!

Pamela Beers is a worker writer, educator, and equid simulator when she isn't inactivity in the doctors office. You haw meet her website for more fictive structure to chisel words.