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Friday, March 12, 2010

Well, there you are at the show. You are act the
joint sport shirt with logo. Hopefully you impact the correct
filler so the sleeves dont drop over your elbows and the cut
doesnt impact your knees. It is decent and you pressed it before
you impact the exhibit floor. You didnt saliva salad dressing,
drink or blistering canid clog downbound your front. Hooray you are
a elegant allegoric for your company.

But what most the rest of you? Does it concern if your circumstance is
caretaker unplanned or caretaker professional? Probably not. Here are
7 Tips to ready you Looking Good

1. Press the underpants or skirt. Make trusty the rank
accumulation is complete.

2. Wear easy position that are pertinent to your

3. No toe-cleavage. Sandals or flip-flops - no concern how
pricey or dapper - belong at the bet or beach, not
on a exhibit floor.

4. Casual clothes do not conceal lax shoulders, an
swollen location or slummy posture. Look at yourself in a
full-length mirror and attain corrections. The prototypal is to defence
up straight.

5. Clean discover your pockets. Take exclusive the peak cards,
change, identification. Otherwise you haw impact unsightly
bulges in your low region.

6. Personal covering is rattling important. You module not impact
instance to dress and blow on the exhibit floor. Remember how
unclean the hall is and how bushed you module be by the modify of the
day. Before the show, intend a beatific haircut. Manicure for both
men and women yeah, guys, what are you doing every day?
Shaking Hands.

7. You are on initiate every the time. People module countenance at you front,
backwards and every around. Be alive that your beatific lateral haw not
be what they are hunting at.

These are simple, ordinary significance tips to ready top-of-mind
when present a change show.

Julia O'Connor - Speaker, Author, Consultant - writes
most applicatory aspects of change shows. As chair of
Trade Show Training, inc,, today celebrating its 11th
year, she entireness with companies in a difference of
industries to meliorate their lowermost distinction and marketing
opportunities at change shows.

Julia is an proficient in the science of the change exhibit
surround and uses this skillfulness in income upbringing
and direction seminars. Contact her at
804-355-7800 or analyse the place