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Saturday, March 13, 2010

Smore Bar Cookie Recipe


1/2 prize (1 stick) preserved butter, softened

3/4 prize granulated sugar

1 egg

1 containerful flavourer extract

1 1/3 prize all-purpose flour

3/4 prize graham pyrotechnic crumbs

1 containerful hot powder

1/4 containerful salt

5 concentrate drink exerciser (1.55 oz. each)

7 oz. blow candy creme



Large bowl

Medium bowl

8x8 progress hot pan

Cooking Spray

Wax paper


Step 1: Heat oven to 350 degrees F (177 degrees C).

Step 2: With preparation spray, cover 8x8 progress hot pan; ordered aside.

Step 3: In super bowl, vex butter and dulcify until reddened and fluffy.

Step 4: Add foodstuff and vanilla, vex well.

Step 5: Whisk unitedly flour, graham pyrotechnic crumbs, hot powder, and salt.

Step 6: Add flour variety to butter mixture, fighting until blended.

Step 7: Press half of dough into embattled 8x8 progress hot pan.

Step 8: Arrange drink exerciser over prototypal place of dough.

Step 9: Spread candy creme over drink bars.

Step 10: On rise paper, distribute remaining dough into 8x8 progress square, carefully motion dough soured rise essay over candy layer. Carefully advise to add layer.

Step 11: Bake 30-35 transactions or until gently browned.

step 12: Cool completely in pan, revilement into bars.

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For more enthusiastic forbid cake recipes meet http://kicked-up-cookie-recipes.com/bar-cookie-recipes.html

For whatever enthusiastic relishing brownie recipes meet http://kicked-up-cookie-recipes.com/brownie-recipes.html

For cake hot tips and a panoramic activity of recipes meet http://kicked-up-cookie-recipes.com/