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Wednesday, July 15, 2009

6 Ice Popsicle Recipes

These sextet cushy recipes module attain your children bright and are cushy to make. Give them a try.

Orange Creamsicles

1 Small Can Frozen Orange Juice

1 prize milk

5-7 cover cubes

1/4 prize sugar

1/2 tsp vanilla

Mix every ingredients in a mixer until smooth. Add liquid slightly if desirable to thin). Drink with a distribute or rain into Ice Tups and freeze.


3 Tbls Instant Cocoa

2 Tbls Sugar

Dash of Salt

1/2 tsp vanilla

2 Eggs

2 1/2 cups milk

Beat foodstuff unitedly and add another ingredients. Pour into Ice Tups and freeze.

Hawaiian Punchsicles

1 prize American Punch

1 prize Vanilla Ice Cream

Mix ingredients well. Pour into Ice Tups and Freeze.

Dripless Wonders

1 pkg. Kool-Aid - presweetened

1 pkg. Jello (same savor as Kool-Aid)

2 cups cooking water

2 cups algid water

Mix substantially until dissolved then add 2 prize algid liquid and mix.Pour into Ice Tups and freeze. Refrigerate leftovers for cushy renewal of Ice Tups.


1 pkg. Butterscotch Instant Pudding

1 prize Rootbeer

1 1/2 cups water

Mix every ingredients. Pour into Ice Tups and Freeze.

Fruit Saladsicles

1 prize apple juice

1/4 prize yellowness juice

1 super crapper Fruit Cocktail

Mix every ingredients. Pour into Ice Tups and Freeze.

I name Ice Tups in these recipes. These are Tupperware's popsicle makers. If you don't hit them, you crapper intend kindred ones at Walmart or another much stores. Or meet my website beneath for a Tupperware representative.

Donna Rivera-Loudon

New Recipes Each Week

Donna has an MBA in Information Technology and is currently a Tupperware Director and CEO of her possess company. She also teaches online Management and Business classes for a topical accord college as substantially as machine classes for a four-year university.