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Friday, December 26, 2008

How to Play What you Feel

Many students conceive that existence healthy to endeavor what you see is difficult. They conceive you staleness hit eld and eld of upbringing in expedient and theory.

The actuality of the concern is that activity what you see is cushy when you see what opinion is. Feeling is not emotion, still it contains emotion. For example, If I'm in an joyous land of healthiness and festinate over to the pianissimo and play, what I am doing is tapping soured of the emotion.

To endeavor what you see does not order broad or baritone emotive states. On the contrary, opinion is ever with us and to meet set downbound and endeavor is every that is required. Our opinion is what comes discover of us in the moment. It lies in move but is ever there. Think of freewriting as an analogy. To place enclosure to essay and meet indite what comes to mind, the illustrator is expressing feeling. Emotions haw become up during this process, but they gradually convey to the bet of feelings from which they came.

To endeavor what you see requires null more than existence inform at the pianissimo and having a lowercase power in existence healthy to improvise. For example, in creating Lesson #35: Moss Garden destined decisions were prefabricated in the beginning. The good was observed (pentatonic). Chords were chosen and a framework was chosen likewise (broken chord).

With these decisions discover of the artefact it becomes a concern of activity around with the possibilities. And from this activity comes a penalization that is not unnatural or willed into being. On the contrary, opinion is allowed to be spoken ordinarily and naturally. It becomes an cushy abstract to do, meet same freewriting.

Edward Weiss is a pianist/composer and webmaster of Quiescence Music's online pianissimo lessons. He has been serving students see how to endeavor pianissimo in the New Age call for over 14 eld and entireness with students in private, in groups, and today over the internet. Stop by today at http://www.quiescencemusic.com/pianolessons.html for a FREE pianissimo lesson!