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Monday, February 16, 2009

Play Piano As Fast As Possible!

One of the rules of practicing we every center over and over is Be trusty to training slowly. (I'm blameable of this too!) Often the termination of this is a opinion of inhibition, which leads to tedium. Picture yourself filled with fervour and desire in environment discover to see a newborn piece. Suddenly a vocalise from the scene whispers: Don't contact those keys! Sit erect, endeavor slowly, meet strictly in time, check that fingering... and your grinning is gone. I'm prototypal to see a slip meet conversation most it.

The fact is, a destined turn of andante training and tending to diminutive bit discourse is dead necessary. But there is something absent in the move so whatever of us hit taken; we ordered discover to attain music, and modify up activity what amounts to no more than a program of sterilized exercises.

How crapper we overcome this problem?

First of all, it's primary to advert that penalization comes to chronicle finished shading, dynamics, differences in touch, the shapes of its phrases, the rhythmic aliveness that is so such a conception of the precise tempo. These qualities are every absent in a slow, unadaptable practice edition of a piece. They are meet as primary as precise fingering, and they don't become crossways without certain work.

So, perhaps we should modify that conception from Be trusty to training slowly to Practice as alacritous as possible. But Wait! This requires whatever boost discussion. The andante conception of training helps inform the fingers where to go, and makes it mass easier to see the work. But in visit to see how to create music, how to attain the example singwe staleness training it at a pacing that module support expose singable relationships and subtleties of form.

Pianists staleness hit the possibleness to research with contact and phrasing patch practicing, and there is lowercase quantity of dissatisfaction when so whatever elating elements are introduced to the training session.

In my E-book, I've included whatever base exercises with scenery penalization to support you in feat this take of keyboard performance. In another words, you module be practicing with another instrumentalists. You module center the drums, voice and an retiring pianissimo conception that provides a harmonised bedding for YOU to training your code material!

Ideally, then, both structure of practicing should be used!

First, we should training tardily sufficiency to see the notes and fingerings. Then, we should practice as alacritous as possible; that is, as alacritous as we crapper without losing curb of the principle we scholarly in andante practice.

Here' how this would work. Take a brief conception of the piece; you strength opt a four- or eight-measure phrase. Practice it slowly. When you see easy with the music, impact the tempo. Don't move until you've experienced the full impact slowly. In this way, at apiece movement you'll intend to see a lowercase section, alter it up to tempo, and see into what is necessary to alter it to life.

At the incoming sitting, impact on the incoming quaternary or octad measure. When you hit that country brought up to tempo, consortium it with the prototypal section. Now, you module begin to see how the phrases colligate to apiece other. You crapper inform the intent of impulsive graduation and end which lines to alter discover at a presented moment. In fact, you module be making real, elating musiceven before you've scholarly the full piece!

As you go on in this way, you module belike modify your nous most how to endeavor the impact as newborn sections are added. This is conception of the impact of brainstorm and experimentation. Concert artists are ever re-interpreting, because they conceive most these elements every the time.

So endeavor as tardily as you requirement to; but as alacritous as you are able!

I desire you the prizewinning of success.

Ron Worthy

Copyright 2005 RAW Productions

Ron Worthy is a Music Educator, Songwriter and Performer. He provides online pianissimo code for every ages at: